Tuesday, January 5, 2010

New Inventions

During the late 1800's, many new inventions were being made. People like Thomas Edison and Westinghouse made big contributions to the world we know today. Thomas Edison created the light bulb, making a difference to future generations and to the people during his time. Westinghouse improved what Thomas Edison was setting out to do. He created an alternating current that would allow more electricity to be used at a time for a longer distance.
Both of these men created what we use for granted today.

Another important person during the late 1800's was Alexander Graham Bell. He invented what we know today as the telephone. This new invention helped many families and businesses keep in contact.

The invention of railroads also helped many businesses. Materials from other countries could be shipped in as well as materials from the United States could be shipped out. Both the invention of the telephone and railroads greater increased the contact needed between businesses.

*Sources- Notes from class

1 comment:

  1. Can you imagine living in 2010 without some of those inventions? I think people would go crazy if there were even one day without electricity or the telephone.
